October 30, 2012

Trippy Tales # 74...Halloween Horrors Continued...


(BY 8FIREFAE @ about.com/your true tales)
"This happened in 2003 when my family was living in a trailer home in Charlottesville, Virginia. We were renting the place. It was small with only two bedrooms, but the living room and kitchen were big, so it was okay. My mattress was placed on the floor because my bedframe had broken when we had moved.
Over the next two years, I would hear snippets of weird conversations, as if someone were rewinding a cassette tape while listening to it. I always brushed it off as someone walking by outside whispering to each other. Some nights I would wake up from a sound sleep and think that I had seen someone darting into my walk-in closet, sitting on my dresser or running past my door when I knew that my dad and mom were at work and that my siblings were over a friend's houses or even asleep next to me. I hid under my covers when that kind of stuff happened, telling myself that I was hallucinating.
It was one night when I was home alone and had gone to bed that really made me realize that I wasn't dreaming this stuff up. I went to bed that night and curled up under the covers. I woke up because I had to go to the bathroom when I suddenly felt someone hold me down. I was suddenly paralyzed and I couldn't open my eyes. I tried to open my mouth and scream, but I couldn't. I could hear the air whooshing around my head really, really fast. My blankets waved in it. Through my closed eyes were bright red, blue and green lights that whizzed with the air. I kept thinking to myself to move, that if only I could move a finger or a toe that I could get up and run. I tried for what seemed like forever and I started to cry.
Finally I was able to twitch a finger and everything just stopped. My eyes popped open and I pushed myself to my knees and looked around. It was just my room. My fan was off. I could see my blankets in the hallway through the open door that I had closed before going to bed, and drawer was on the dresser built into the wall with the closet. I got up to get my blankets and couldn't find my pillow. When I turned to look in my room for it, the drawer slammed shut on its own. I slammed the door to the bedroom and took my blankets to the couch. I was so terrified that I refused to go into that room alone. I slept on the couch until we moved to an apartment complex.
Even in the living room, weird stuff would happen, like the car keys being lifted up from their place by the door and the sound of someone running down the empty hallway in the middle of the night. I was so afraid of going to bed in that place that I ended up sleeping in the day and staying up all night, pretending I didn't see or hear anything.
I had never been so glad to move away from a place as when we moved from there. My family experienced the floating keys and the running down the hall but, I never told them about the thing that happened when I was alone in the room. Even now, I want to cry when I remember that terrifying experience!"


(By Robert @ about.com/your true tales)

"I grew up in an old house in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It was a three-story home built around 1880, about 15 years after the American Civil War ended. A lot of unexplainable things have happened to me while I lived there, but nothing was enough to make me want to move out.
I always believed this house was haunted. I've experienced: hearing footsteps ascending the stairs, stopping in front on my bedroom door; something unseen pulling on my hair; seeing a cat in the house when I didn't own a cat; doorknobs jiggling on their own; both of my front windows shattering for no reason at the same time; seeing a two-foot dark figure run across the floor and vanish behind a recliner; and having a blanket yanked off of me while I was sleeping.
These things I shrugged off as either seeing or feeling things that weren't there, and with some of them, I was satisfied with my own explanations, like maybe a variance in temperature could have broken the windows or the blanket could have slid off me through the course of sleeping and I may have mistaken it for being yanked off of me, etc.
But there are two stories that stick out in my mind as being the creepiest.
Ever since I can remember, I've always heard noises in one of the closets in my room. Not just random noises, but particularly loud banging. Sometimes it would even wake me up. Because of that, I never used that closet for anything but storage.
Occasionally, I'd get up and open the closet door in an effort to put my mind at ease, in hopes of finding the cause. I never did find out. The only thing I could compare it to would be that it sounds like someone was inside the closet and banging on the door to get out.
Eventually, I resorted to not using the closet at all and I reversed the door knob. The knob only had a lock on one side and I put the lock on the inside of the closet, and then I locked it. The only way the closet could be opened was either with a screwdriver from the outside, or it can be unlocked normally from the inside.
One night during the summer of 1984, I went to bed as normal, but when I woke up the following morning, I noticed my bedroom door was open. I thought it was peculiar because I always lock my bedroom door, plus it was summertime and I had the air conditioner running.
While I was trying to convince myself that I accidentally left the bedroom door open, I noticed that the closet door was wide open. My jaw hit the floor! There was no way that anyone could've unlocked the closet door because it was locked from the inside. I could only conclude that something was in the closet, unlocked the door, opened it and walked around my bed while I was sleeping, and opened the bedroom door and left the room.
Ever since then, the noises in that closet have ceased, and I put a desk in front of it.
In the summer of 1999, I moved into my parents' house because I had two surgeries and needed help doing things until I recovered. My parents are the kind of people that were always arguing. There was a lot of negative energy in that house and it was the main reason I had moved out several years prior.
During this time, my parents were discussing getting a divorce, which I believed would probably be in the best interest for both of them. It was obvious they had grown to hate each other.
I'm a night owl, and every night around 2:00 or 3:00 a.m., I would here my parents argue about various topics, and would usually end up with one of them getting up to sleep in the spare bedroom. This spare bedroom had a hole in the wall about the size of a basketball which was put there by my brother during one of his temper tantrums and had never been repaired. The hole went completely through the wall, from the hallway into the bedroom.
One night, I heard them arguing and realized I needed to use the bathroom. I decided to wait until the argument was over. After everything had settled down, I went to the bathroom. While I was in there, I heard crying. Actually, it was more like sobbing or weeping, with some whimpering and moaning. It sounded kind of creepy really, almost painful. I finished my business and left the bathroom. As I walked down the hallway in complete darkness (because the hallway light was broken), I had to pass by the spare bedroom, so I paused for a few moments at the hole in the wall, and I heard the crying coming from inside the room. I continued on, and went to bed and didn't think much else about it.
The next day, I went downstairs for breakfast and asked my mom who stayed in the spare bedroom last night. She said no one had, and asked why. I told her I heard someone in the spare bedroom crying and said it was neither of them. The discussion went on for a few more minutes and she insisted it wasn't them. It was at that moment the chills went down my back and I was having flashbacks of the scary experiences I had in the house when I was younger.
About two weeks later, I went downstairs in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. While in there, I once again heard the crying. Every hair on my arms and legs stood straight up. Now I was really scared. I finished my business and was somewhat relieved that the door was shut but at the same time I was terrified to leave the bathroom to go back to my bedroom because I knew I had to walk by the hole in the wall.
It took me about 30 minutes to muster up the courage to come out of the bathroom. The whole time, the crying was persistent. I ran down the hallway in partial darkness, ducked below the hole in the wall, and ran up the flight of stairs to my bedroom, the whole time feeling like something was behind me, and slammed my door shut and locked it.
The next morning I asked my mother about it and again she said no one stayed in the room. I suppose it's kind of silly of me to have acted that way, but if any of you have seen and heard and felt some of things that I've experienced in that house in my youth, you may have done the same.
I now live on the other side of the country with a family of my own and have absolutely no odd occurrences. But my family still owns the house, and one day, after my parents pass, I will own the house...though I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do with it...?"


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